Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me

It was my birthday over the weekend, along with the first day of fall. I have a touch of SAD (seasonal affective disorder), so when the days start getting shorter, I start feeling a little bit blue. And being in my "late 30s" now doesn't help, either.

Don't get me wrong: I love my birthday. Dozens of cards with warm words, calls from loved ones, presents... And really, I love all birthdays. A birthday is the one day where you can celebrate a person and no one bats an eye or feels strange about it. So I make it a point to send a card or make a phone call on birthdays, and I just revel in it when people recognize mine.

Still, with the fall weather and all, sometimes I just need a dose of happy, and all I have to do is remember birthdays past. Gary and I have made a tradition of trying all things new on our birthdays (new restaurants, new theaters, new experiences), which is definitely refreshing and rejuvenating. Many a joyful memory has come from the birthday celebrations that G has planned.

And the last few years at my former place of work, my team put together organization-wide birthday celebrations for me that involved food and gifts and cards and well wishes. Which I basked in, of course, and sorely missed this year.

But I have to admit, nothing will ever quite take the place of the complete, utter, enveloping ecstasy that was was my birthday when I lived at home. Ever since I was little and even through my rebellious teenage years, my mother made my birthday special. Mountains of beautifully wrapped presents on the table weeks beforehand. Letting me choose a restaurant for a fancy dinner. Parties and birthday cake and multiple renditions of the happy birthday song.

And oh, let's not forget, how could I ever forget, the Beatles singing "Birthday" at max volume in the morning as I woke up. I felt special and treasured and like the world existed just to make me feel like a million bucks. Thanks, Mom.


Sherry said...

Always a special bond between a mother and child at birthday time. Those ones from our childhood always stand out. Happy belated!

Lost in America said...

If I did nothing else well in my entire lifetime, knowing you hold these memories close to your heart is enough. And, indeed, you are special and most loved...on your birthday and every day. XOXOXO - Mom

Anonymous said...

Oh, you guys are too much. I am totally teary-eyed! I miss our Jazzercise days : )

Carleen Brice said...

Happy Birthday, Erin! Sorry it's belated.