Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Big Brother, How Far Is Too Far?

Google Maps has a photo of my house on their website. You can see the front of my cute little ranch and my beautiful garden. You can walk up and down my street and turn in a circle and see all of my neighbor's houses, too. In fact, my whole neighborhood, along with much of Denver and its suburbs, has been visually mapped and is available for the whole world to see.

It's so totally cool and kind of weird and creepy all at the same time. No doubt it will keep me from getting lost as I tool around here in the city. I'm one of those "turn left at the second church after the 7-11" kind of people rather than a "go south on Speer for 2.1 miles and then turn left on Larimer" kind of people. If I can see it, it's real. I truly appreciate of a tool that allows those of us who are "direction challenged" a fighting chance.

And I did go to Beijing, China on Google Maps to see what I could see. They have cute little suburban houses, palatial estates, and vast seas of tiny little apartments housed in big towers. I plan to travel to more destinations to improve my understanding of other cultures, even if it's just by looking at where they live.

So is the map project Big Brother going too far, or is it taking us one step closer to brotherhood?

1 comment:

Carleen Brice said...

Your take on Google Maps makes me feel a little better about it. The only aspect I'd thought of was Big Brother. Of course, that's still the primary feeling, but now I have another one too.