Sunday, September 14, 2008

People Do Change

(photo courtesy of

Last year for our anniversary, I gave Gary a year's worth of quotes in a jar. I spent many hours looking for perfect quotes, printing them out in beautiful fonts, then making each one a unique piece of art using paper, stamps, pens, ribbon, and stickers. The quotes were by people Gary respected and admired, or words of wisdom I thought particularly apt given his circumstances.

Every week he pulled out a new quote and shared it with me. It was something we both looked forward to because it made us think. Finally, he reached the end of the quotes and, to my great delight, put them all back in the jar so that he could start over again.

Here's this week's quote, which comes at a time when I need to remember the beauty of the mysteries of my fellow man:

People do change,
and change comes like a little wind
that ruffles the curtains at dawn,
and it comes like the stealthy perfume
of wildflowers hidden in the grass.

~John Steinbeck

1 comment:

Carleen Brice said...

What a fabulous gift idea! I'm going to do this for my family & friends for Christmas!