Thursday, November 6, 2008

Change Has Come to America

As I write this, I am listening again to Barack Obama's presidential acceptance speech. And I am crying, again. This man moves me. He moved America. He represents hope--for Americans, but also for the rest of the world, which has been watching this race so closely and with bated breath.

But it's not just his philosophy of inclusion or his motivational way of speaking or his politics that move me to tears. I simply didn't think that America had grown up enough to see past skin color or gender, nor did I believe it would happen in my lifetime. But clearly this baby is moving out of the "terrible twos" and learning to say more than "No!"

I have never in my life been as happy to say that I was wrong. I am so proud of us I feel like my heart will burst.


Gary said...

This makes me almost bawl all over again! I am proud of us, too.

Lost in America said...

Having no access to TV, Dan and I missed a lot of the election news, notably the speeches, debates, and SNL skits. We do religiously listen to NPR though, so we don't feel we miss too much by not having the video part of the news. However, I regret not being able to see Obama give his victory speech. On Wednesday morning I read the full text in the newspaper and was embarassed to find myself openly weeping. I tried to discreetly wipe away the tears and keep a low profile. Then Dan read the speech. He sobbed. Then I did too. And now I find myself tearing up once again. What is it about Obama that moves us so deeply? Part of it is the man himself...working against all the age-old prejudices to find a voice that so many can hear and relate to, being strong and ethical and running a campaign that reflected his personal ideals. But I think it's more than just the man, it's what he stands for: a chance for America to change its public face, to take into account more than just one group's ideology, to work toward policy that will make our society stronger. It's about time. Happy Obama, everyone!!!

Baker's Dozen said...

Obama represents hope. Hope that our country can move past the "isms" and appreciate people for their individual talents, perseverance, and ability to inspire. He represents hope that we are not doomed to follow the religious right on the path toward war, death, destruction of civil liberties, and hate. He gives us hope that our families will not always have to suffer because of corporate bailouts and misguided governing. Most of all, Obama's election offers hope that we, the American public, actually do have some control over how our country is run, and who runs it, and shows us that our fellow compatriots understand the need for change. He allows us to dream the "American Dream" once more by giving us hope for peace, prosperity, and fairness.